Dream Work

Critical Thinking




Collaborative Business Planning


Critical Thinking 〰️ Advising 〰️ Collaborative Business Planning 〰️

You can stay sane

Conversations built on trust, experience, and humility will help you feel knowledgable about the project (risks/rewards) and the path to success. I want to facilitate these conversations and share my observations, gut instincts, and previous experience.

Reduce risk

Let the mistakes I’ve witnessed and the mistakes I’ve made guide your biz away from landmines and pitfalls that you might not see.

Let the Doers Do…with guidance

I’m a jack of many trades, master of none. So let’s let those with maximum expertise do their Thing with a smart balance of autonomy and guardrails, so they can feel confident and empowered.

Hiring and shaping teams

  • Conversations with stakeholders, establishing trust with existing team members, understanding who is a good fit and who needs to move around or move on.

  • Creating great communication and deeper understanding of one another to be efficient and kind in group dynamics / team dynamics.

If I could do anything?


If I could do anything? 〰️

Write, publish, develop

Creativity is at the center of all I do

Above all, this work allows me to develop my writing, personal art, and creative work…my heart. Art-making is at the center of my life and this Dream Work allows that space, energy, time and financial freedom. Creativity is also the primary factor in all I do for money (everything above!).

Write a novel

Put time, energy and efforts into my Real Work. Get a group of trusted readers to give feedback and help guide work for one another.

What I’m doing to move this forward:

  • Working on a novel idea (though I haven’t touched it since feedback in July).

  • Part of a writing community that works on projects every morning 8-10am. 

Publish a novel | Publish short fiction

Find an agent, find publications who “get” me. Put my work out into the world so that others can see themselves in it, and say “I thought I was the only one who thought this / felt this way / thinks like this…”

What I’m doing to move this forward:

  • Submitting short stories to publications each month — putting myself out there, slush piles ahoy!

  • Put together a writing group for feedback on short stories with a few folks whose input I really value.

  • Connecting with two other artist friends regularly to feel less alone, connected, encouraged, and encouraging.

Develop plays or short film pieces

Explore dialogue, learn to write for stage, adapt some things of mine.

What I’m doing to move this forward:

  • I’ve submitted three one-act plays to a regional theater during their call for new original work (Sharon Playhouse) — putting myself out there!

  • Eavesdropping and writing down interactions I hear from strangers (learning this is how folks talk).

Support my family with my art…